What is the best wood for smoking turkeys?

Smoked turkey is a culinary delight with its juicy, rich and smoky flavor. Before you can begin your journey in creating this mouth-watering meal, it’s important to select the right type of wood for smoking your turkey. Different types of woods can give your final smoked product different flavors, textures and aromas – but which best wood for smoking turkeys? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular kinds of woods used for smoking turkeys so you can create an unforgettable holiday feast!

best wood for smoking turkeys

What is the best wood for smoking turkeys?

When it comes to selecting wood for smoking a turkey, the most popular types are oak, hickory, mesquite and apple. Each of these woods have their own unique flavor profile that will give your smoked turkey its distinct taste.

Oak: Oak is one of the most commonly used woods for smoking turkeys. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor that makes it a great choice for smoking poultry. Oak is also known to produce a light smoke ring with its even burning, which makes it perfect for slow-cooking.

Hickory: Hickory is another popular wood for smoking turkeys and has an intense smoky aroma and flavor. It produces a deep smoke ring with its slow burning and is great for achieving a smoky flavor.

Mesquite: Mesquite is an aggressive wood that produces a strong, earthy flavor when used for smoking poultry. It burns hotter and faster than other woods which makes it ideal if you’re looking to get the job done quickly.

Apple: Apple wood is the mildest of the woods mentioned here and has a slightly sweet flavor. It’s known to be one of the best woods for smoking poultry because it produces an aromatic smoke that adds an extra layer of richness to your smoked turkey.

How do I smoke a turkey?

Once you’ve selected the right type of wood for smoking your turkey, the next step is to get cooking! Here are some tips on how to smoke a turkey:

• Preheat your smoker – Make sure you pre-heat your smoker to 225°F. This will ensure that your turkey cooks evenly and gives it an even smoky flavor.

• Prepare your turkey – Before you put the turkey in the smoker, make sure to season it with your favorite seasoning blend and oil it up with some olive oil. This will help keep the meat moist while smoking and give it an extra boost of flavor.

• Place wood chips on top of the coals – This will give your turkey that smoky flavor you’re looking for. Make sure to use the wood that you chose in step one so you can get the right flavor profile.

• Add water to the pan – Adding water to a pan underneath the turkey helps keep it moist while smoking and adds an extra layer of flavor.

• Smoke your turkey – Place the turkey in the smoker and smoke it for 2-3 hours or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F. Make sure to check on the bird every so often to make sure that it’s cooking evenly and not drying out.

What are the benefits of smoking a turkey?

Smoking a turkey can be a great way to add some extra flavor and texture to your Thanksgiving feast. Smoking also helps the turkey retain moisture better than other cooking methods, making it juicier and more flavorful. Additionally, smoking is an easy way to add a smoky aroma and flavor to your bird while still keeping all of its nutrients intact. Finally, smoking can be a great way to save time on the holiday. Instead of spending hours slaving away in the kitchen, you can set your turkey up in the smoker and let it do all the work for you!

How do I prepare a turkey for smoking?

Preparing a turkey for smoking is relatively easy. First, make sure to rinse the turkey inside and out with cold running water and pat dry with paper towels. Next, season the outside of the bird with your favorite seasoning blend and rub it in well. Finally, brush olive oil over the entire surface of the turkey to help keep it moist while smoking.

Once you’ve prepared the turkey, it’s ready for smoking! Place it in the smoker and cook until the internal temperature reaches 165°F. Once done, let it rest for at least 15 minutes before carving and serving.

What temperature should I smoke my turkey?

The best temperature to smoke a turkey is 225°F. This will ensure that your bird cooks evenly and has plenty of time for the smoke flavor to sink into the meat. Make sure to check the internal temperature in the thickest part of the turkey with a thermometer to make sure it’s reached 165°F before removing from heat.

When smoking a turkey, it’s important to keep in mind that the smoke flavor can easily overpower the meat if left too long. Try to stick to a temperature of 225°F and check the internal temperature often. That way you can get the perfect mix of smoky flavor and juicy tenderness!

How long should I smoke my turkey?

It generally takes 2-3 hours to smoke a turkey at 225°F. However, the size of your bird can affect this time, so it’s best to use an instant read thermometer to check the internal temperature. Once your turkey reaches 165°F internally, it’s done and ready to be served.

What are some of the best tips for smoking a turkey?

1. Make sure to preheat your smoker to 225°F before putting the turkey in. This will help ensure that it cooks evenly and has plenty of time for the smoke flavor to sink in.

2. Season your turkey with a favorite spice blend and rub olive oil over the entire surface to keep it moist while smoking.

3. Use a thermometer to check the internal temperature of the turkey and make sure it reaches 165°F before removing from heat.

4. Let your turkey rest for at least 15 minutes after smoking to let all the juices settle back in before carving and serving.

5. Lastly, always keep an eye on your smoker while your turkey is cooking to make sure it doesn’t dry out or burn.

best wood for smoking turkeys

What are some of the best recipes for smoking a turkey?

• Smoked Bourbon Maple Glazed Turkey – This sweet and savory recipe combines the flavor of smoky bourbon glaze with a hint of maple syrup for extra sweetness.

• Applewood Smoked Herb-Roasted Turkey – Add some extra aromatic herbs to your smoked turkey for an even tastier dish.

• Chipotle-Honey Smoked Turkey – For a delicious spicy kick, combine chipotle peppers with honey for this flavorful smoked turkey recipe.

• Butter-Basted Apple Cider Smoked Turkey – Baste your turkey frequently while smoking in butter and apple cider to create a tender and juicy bird.

• Honey Lime Garlic Smoked Turkey – This zesty recipe combines honey, lime juice, and garlic for a truly unique flavor.

• Maple-Dijon Smoked Turkey – For a classic yet flavorful smoked turkey, combine maple syrup and Dijon mustard for the perfect combination of sweetness and tanginess.


Smoking a turkey is a great way to enjoy tender and juicy meat with a smoky flavor. By following the tips above and trying out some of these recipes, you’ll be sure to create an unforgettable meal that everyone will enjoy!