Chewy Chicken

The aroma of roasting chicken fills your home as you wait for dinner to be ready. But let’s face it – sometimes that crispy, crunchy skin tastes good but leaves something to be desired when it comes to texture. Have you ever wanted a juicy and flavorful chicken that had an extra bit of softness? Chewy Chicken is the answer! Delicious, tender, and packed with flavor – this no-fuss recipe will take your traditional roasted chicken up a notch and have your family begging for seconds!

Chewy Chicken

Chewy Chicken

Chewey chicken requires just a few simple ingredients and is ready to go in the oven in minutes. Start by marinating your chicken pieces in a mixture of honey, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, and white vinegar for at least 30 minutes or overnight. The longer the chicken marinates, the more flavor it will absorb!

Once you’re ready to cook, preheat your oven to 350 degrees and spread your marinated chicken pieces in a single layer on a greased baking sheet. Drizzle the chicken with some olive oil and season with salt and pepper before roasting for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown.

The result is nothing short of amazing – juicy, tender chicken with a soft, chewy texture. Serve with some roasted vegetables or a salad and you’ve got yourself an easy, delicious meal. Try making Chewy Chicken next time you’re in the mood for a flavorful twist on traditional roasted chicken! Enjoy!

White Meat vs. Dark Meat

When it comes to chicken, there are two main types of meat – white and dark. White meat is leaner and typically lower in fat than dark meat. It also has a milder flavor making it great for dishes that don’t require much seasoning. Dark meat, on the other hand, is richer in flavor and higher in fat making it ideal for dishes that call for a bolder flavor.

When making Chewy Chicken, dark meat is the preferred choice as it will stay juicy and tender during the cooking process. If you’re looking to cut back on calories or prefer white meat, opt for skinless chicken breasts instead of thighs. The marinade should do the trick in keeping them moist and flavorful.

Chewy Chicken

Possible Causes for Chewy Chicken

There’s nothing worse than expecting a juicy and tender roasted chicken only to be disappointed with a dry, chewy texture. Here are a few possible causes for this issue:

  1. Undercooking: It’s also important not to undercook your chicken as it can lead to food-borne illnesses. Make sure the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit before serving.
  2. Overcooking: When it comes to chicken, it’s important not to overcook as it can lead to dryness. Make sure to keep a close eye on the time and remove your chicken once it’s reached an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Not Marinating Long Enough: The marinade is essential for adding flavor and keeping the chicken moist during cooking. Make sure to plan ahead and give your chicken enough time to absorb all that delicious flavor.
  4. Not Using Dark Meat: As mentioned earlier, dark meat is ideal for this type of dish as it’s more flavorful and retains moisture better than white meat does during cooking.
  5. Dry Exterior: If you find that the exterior of your chicken is too dry, try brushing it with some extra marinade or butter before roasting. This will help keep the exterior from drying out and give your chewy chicken an extra boost of flavor.
  6. Woody Breast: Woody breast is a common issue when it comes to chicken. This happens when the collagen and proteins in the meat break down during cooking resulting in a dry, tough texture. To avoid this, make sure to cook your chicken at the right temperature for the appropriate amount of time.

How To Salvage Chewy Chicken

Chewy Chicken

If your chicken ends up being too chewy, don’t worry – there are a few ways to salvage it.


The best way to get rid of the chewiness is by shredding or chopping the chicken into small pieces. This will help break down any tough fibers and make it easier to eat.

Baste it with sauce:

You can also give your chicken a flavor boost by adding a sauce or gravy. This will help add moisture and make the chicken more palatable.


If you’re in a pinch, try stir-frying your chewy chicken with some vegetables for an easy weeknight meal. The cooking process will help break down the tough fibers and make it more tender.

Slice it for sandwiches:

If you want to use your chewy chicken for sandwiches or wraps, try slicing it thinly. This will help break down the tough fibers and make it easier to chew.


Braising is a great way to tenderize tough cuts of meat like chicken. Just add a cup of liquid such as stock, beer, or wine to a pot and simmer the chicken until it’s cooked through. The liquid will help break down the tough fibers and make your chewy chicken tender again.


Another way to salvage chewy chicken is by pureeing it in a food processor or blender. This will create a smoother texture that can be used for soups, sauces, and more!

Adding Fat:

If all else fails, adding a bit of fat like butter or lard can help tenderize your chicken. Just be sure to use it sparingly as too much fat can make the dish greasy. Finally, don’t forget to season your chicken. A sprinkle of salt and pepper can go a long way in bringing out the flavors and making your chewy chicken delicious.

Make chicken soup:

Chicken soup is the perfect way to turn chewy chicken into a delicious and comforting meal. All you have to do is simmer your chicken with some vegetables, herbs, and stock until it’s cooked through. The finished product will be a delicious and nourishing soup that will get rid of any chewiness in the chicken. Make sure to season with salt and pepper for some extra flavor.

Eat it cold:

Adding a few slices of chewy chicken to salads, wraps, and sandwiches is an excellent way to make use of it. The cold temperature will help break down the tough fibers and make it more palatable.

The Bottom Line

Chewy chicken can be a real bummer, but with the right techniques, you can salvage it and turn it into something delicious. Whether you’re shredding it, seasoning it, adding sauce or fat to it, or even making soup out of it – there are plenty of options for reviving chewy chicken. With a bit of creativity, you can make sure that your chicken dishes are always a hit. Good luck!